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Pack Lunches

A picture of Bagged Lunches and Water Bottles.


Last year, Bridges distributed 120,000 meals. You can help by holding lunch-packing events with your friends, neighbors, colleagues, or organization. It’s fun, meaningful and rewarding, and builds camaraderie among friends and colleagues. 

You can either provide fresh Brown Bag Lunches or sustainable Brown Bag Lunches. Sustainable lunches have a longer shelf life.  We offer you the option to purchase sustainable protein-only for $1.75 each or complete lunches for assembly for $5 each. Sustainable lunches offer the ability for us to complement fresh lunches when we are in need.  Below you can sign up for a specific day for drop-off, allowing you to make the lunches at your convenience.




If you plan on making fresh lunches, please sign up ahead of time here.

  • Fresh Lunches are packed in decorated paper bags and contain:

    • Turkey or Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwiches (no condiments) wrapped individually in a labeled Ziploc bag 

    • Nutri-Grain type bar (soft foods are best)

    • Nuts, trail mix, Goldfish, or pretzels

    • Fruit Cup with Spoon or soft fruit like a banana or orange

    • Mayo and Mustard Packets

    • 8oz Bottle of water

    • A napkin or hand wipe


  • Sustainable Lunches are packed in decorated paper bags and contain:

    • A “pop-top, ready to eat” shelf stable protein item (tuna or chicken salad packages with crackers)

    • A fruit cup or unsweetened apple sauce (please include a plastic spoon)

    • Nuts, trail mix, Goldfish, or pretzels

    • A Nutri-Grain type bar (soft foods are best)

    • 8oz bottle of water

    • A napkin or hand wipe

  • We do offer the option to purchase sustainable protein-only for $1.75 each or complete lunches for assembly for $5 each. Click on the buttons below to purchase or for more information.

Sustainable lunches can be dropped off Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00am to 2:00pm. Please use this form to arrange dropping off your assembled sustainable lunches.

Tips for Making Fresh Lunches
Approximately one pound of meat makes six to eight sandwiches.
Loaves of bread vary in size, you’ll want to pay attention to the number of slices.
You might want to call the grocery store a day or two ahead of time to order sliced meat.
Warehouse stores are a good place to buy meat, fruit, drinks, and treats.
Many of our recipients have dental problems; please pur
chase soft fruit (no apples, please.)


Please wash your hands and wear gloves.
Please include mayo and mustard packets, if possible.
Please keep sandwiches refrigerated until you drop them off at Bridges. 
Please wrap sandwiches in zip lock bags.
Please include spoons and napkins.
Please label the sandwich bag so we know what’s inside the sandwich.
Turkey sandwiches and Peanut & Butter sandwiches are greatly preferred by our clients.

Please do not put sandwiches or fresh fruit in the brown bags. We need them to be kept separate.
Please do not include lettuce, tomatoes, condiments, etc. in sandwiches.


For more information about making lunches, please e-mail us at

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Thursdays at 7pm
Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church
215 Elm Avenue
Rahway, NJ 07605

Saturdays at 10:15am

Lincoln Park
South Broad Street
Newark, NJ 07103

Sundays at 10:15am

Irvington Civic Square
One Civic Square
Irvington, NJ 07111

Having trouble viewing our site?

Please call us at 908-273-0176.

We are happy to help!

For volunteer-related inquiries,
please allow us 72 hours for someone on our team to respond.


Project Connect - Newark (Essex County)
Open Monday through Thursday

Walk-in Services 8:30am-12:00pm

Appointments 1:00pm-3:00pm

35 Halsey Street
Newark, NJ 07102

Project Connect - Summit (Union County)
Open Monday through Friday
By Appointment Only 9:00am-5:00pm

120 Morris Avenue

Summit, NJ 07901


120 Morris Avenue

Summit, NJ 07901



P.O Box 1444
Summit, NJ 07902-1444

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