See A Smile, Make A Smile
A Sight to See
Make Yourself Feel Better Too.
"I need to focus on myself before I help anyone else."
The volunteering you do at Bridges Outreach doesn't just benefit a population who needs it - it helps YOU too.
Research has shown that through volunteering, the brain releases more dopamine. Through even just one hour of volunteering and spending time in service of others, you can reduce your feelings of stress AND increase positive, relaxed feelings.
We here at Bridges believe the work we do should benefit everyone: the clients we serve, the staff we employ, the communities we benefit, and every single person we come across.
Don't believe us? Take a look at the volunteers we work with.
Volunteer opportunities include:
Outreach Runs are held every weekend and great for teens and adults to interacting directly with Bridges’ beneficiaries.
Soup Warming takes place in our Summit kitchen on Saturday and Sunday mornings immediately before a run.
Host a Packing Event to put together hygiene kits, cold weather packs, or brown bag lunches.
Organize A Drive for clothing, hygiene products, cold weather supplies, lunch items, and bottled water.​
Can't make a one-time donation? Considering signing up to be a volunteer, where you can make a direct impact through assisting case management, skill-building, empowerment, and more.
Want to donate your services in another way? Consider connecting with us on to LinkedIn assist with our Fundraising, Development, Communications, Administrative Services, and more! We are always appreciate and welcome to additional assistance. ​
Can't donate or volunteer, but want to still be connected with our mission to end and solve homelessness in Essex and Union County? Sign-up for our email list today!
Join Our 35 Year Mission to End and Solve Homelessness.